6th August : Webinar - Increased Legal & Compliance Expectations: PCAOB Audit Standards

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Automating e-Discovery with Anil Kona

Legal litigation management represents a multibillion-dollar cost for law firms and corporations. It is a labor-intensive process requiring multiple software applications. Vertical Discovery provides a complete end-to-end workflow automation solution to this problem, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Legal litigation management represents a multibillion-dollar cost for law firms and corporations. It is a labor-intensive process requiring multiple software applications. Vertical Discovery provides a complete end-to-end workflow automation solution to this problem, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Their software solution, Optimum, was developed by a collaborative team of forensic professionals, e-discovery subject matter experts, legal professionals, and product development specialists from Microsoft. CEO Anil Kona speaks with host Vincent Walden about how Optimum can help law firms and corporations reduce cost and increase productivity.

Optimum allows you to manage your litigation matters from a single dashboard. You are able to choose best-in-breed applications for each aspect of litigation management – including HR, asset management and EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) – and Optimum integrates these tools so that they all speak to each other. In addition, Optimum is template-driven. Once you define the type of litigation matter, it automatically shows you the steps to take to meet requirements. This makes litigation consistent and repeatable across cases. You will also see ROI savings in the form of productivity increases of 55 to 60%, manual error reduction of 96 to 98%, and being able to predict the outcome of your case.

Resources:Vertical Discoverysales@verticaldiscovery.com