6th August : Webinar - Increased Legal & Compliance Expectations: PCAOB Audit Standards

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Finance and Procurement Solutions

Optimize cash flow, cut costs, and recover working capital with streamlined solutions for your organization.

Find Hidden Money & Improve Working Capital

KonaAI is an ideal solution for finance & procurement professionals seeking opportunities to recover working capital, manage cash flow, and reduce costs.

Recover Working Capital

From unit-price comparisons in the purchase orders to contract compliance with key terms, konaAI’s automated tests are designed to identify waste and inefficiencies in your 3rd party vendor and supply chain interactions.

Manage Cash Flow Effectively

KonaAI empowers finance professionals to manage cash flow more effectively by providing insights into potential areas of improvement and optimization.

Reduce Costs with Automated Tests

Explore konaAI’s automated tests, encompassing various algorithms that target inefficiencies, allowing procurement professionals to streamline processes and reduce costs.

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Vendor 360°

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Corruption & kickbacks
  • Transaction anomalies
  • Segregation of duties
  • Circumvention of controls
  • Spend patterns
  • Sensitive keywords
  • Urgent payments
  • Sanctions & trade compliance
  • Duplicative or wasteful spending
  • OCR matching
  • And many more

Employee 360°

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Anti-corruption
  • Fraudulent expenses
  • Policy circumvention
  • Policy violation
  • Duplicative or wasteful spend
  • OCR matching
  • And many more

Customer 360°

  • Sales & free goods
  • Discounts & returns
  • Revenue recognition
  • Distributer analysis
  • Profitability / margin analysis
  • Pricing fixing & anti-trust
  • Sanctions & trade compliance
  • AML
  • Circumvention of controls
  • And many more