6th August : Webinar - Increased Legal & Compliance Expectations: PCAOB Audit Standards

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Staying Ahead With Technology with Henry Dicker

Host Vince Walden welcomes this week’s guest, e-discovery legend Henry Dicker to the podcast. Henry is the President of data privacy and forensic service consultancy firm, Franklin Data. Before that, he worked with ALM in legal tech for 20 years. Vince asks Henry to reflect on the heydays of legal tech.

Host Vince Walden welcomes this week’s guest, e-discovery legend Henry Dicker to the podcast. Henry is the President of data privacy and forensic service consultancy firm, Franklin Data. Before that, he worked with ALM in legal tech for 20 years. Vince asks Henry to reflect on the heydays of legal tech. Henry describes the momentous strides made during those early years, including how today’s ediscovery evolved from Boolean search.

The main issue, Henry points out, will always be preservation of data. No corporation or advisor can manage the vast amount of data without decent technology. As technology evolves and regulatory demands become greater, firms need to keep up with the times or get left behind. He advises CCOs to engage other departments, even board members, to do this successfully. He lists three questions a CCO should ask himself and other stakeholders: What do you believe is the greatest regulatory risk facing the company? What do you believe is the greatest business risk facing the company?What do you believe is the greatest geographic risk facing the company?Treat these questions like a math or statistical calculation: take the sum of all their answers and align them with your answers to the same question; aggregate them and now you have a starting point for where you should be going.

Vince asks Henry about the innovations and technologies that excite him. Henry talks about four such technologies, including the rise of AI and its future implications.

Resources Nexem Legal, formerly Franklin Data